At the start of the year, we wrote about the potential for hydrocarbon recovery in deepwater basins, noting how our products and solutions can help overcome the associated challenges presented when moving away from shallow reservoirs.
As operators in the oil and gas industry continue to look further afield at opportunities below 1,000ft, overcoming the difficulties presented by those depths will be an important step in delivering successful outcomes. In the blog, we outlined how our Ace Ratchet Collar Slim (ARC-Slim) provided reliable holding capabilities in challenging environments, helping operators to tap into potential opportunities at greater depths. Those wishing to read more about our approach to deepwater solutions can do so here.
But we are conscious that many other challenges arise in relation to well completion, from operating in remote areas, to the management of traditionally high expenses and associated logistical issues.
Our approach to well construction and well completion tools has been driven by a desire to deliver safer, more reliable and easier to install solutions when compared to the installation of traditional stop collars. The Ace Ratchet Collar sits at the heart of this.
This month we wanted to outline our approach to close tolerance applications, illustrating how we work closely with clients to deliver solutions to meet their requirements, no matter how difficult the task.
One piece of recent activity was off the coast of Senegal, West Africa. Our Ace Ratchet Collar (ARC) was selected by a national operator as a viable alternative to costly centralizer subs for use in a close tolerance application.
An 11-3/4” liner needed to be run and set inside a 13 3/8” casing above a 12-1/4” x 14-3/4” under reamed hole. What made the task a challenging one was that the 11-3/4” string utilized flush joint connections. The operator had to be confident of the holding capability of the tool they selected under all operating conditions to prevent casing accessories from coming loose, possibly sticking the liner or causing junk in the hole.
A stop collar with a slim design was needed to pass through the 12.347” ID of the 13 3/8” casing and it had to provide sufficient holding force.

Our solution was the introduction of the patented ARC-Slim. This tool is specifically designed for close-tolerance applications to pass tight restrictions and effectively manage surge and swab, allowing faster running speeds even in formations with narrow mud margins. Each unit is easily installed off-line and does not require pipe preparation or transportation off-site for installation.
Through the major service company Halliburton, Ace Oil Tools provided the ARC-Slim as the fit-for-purpose solution to prevent centralizer movement while running in hole. These ARCs are rated to a minimum of 90,000lbs to resist high axial load while meeting pass-through requirements of the 13 3/8” casing string. Not only did this give the operator the assurances they needed, it also led to substantial cost savings when compared to alternative centralizer subs.
In total, 40 ARCs and 20 centralizers were installed off-line at the pipe yard, on 10 joints. The pipe was sent to the rig then run down to a total depth of 2776 meters before the casing annulus was cleaned and cement pumped.
We always approach client needs with an open mind, applying our innovative technology to deliver cost-effective, safer and more efficient solutions. The above is just one example.
To find out more about the activity or to hear about how each of our simple and effective tools can support the structural integrity of your well, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.